Искам още веднъж да честитя Рожденния ден на Рони!
Искам да й пожелая да й се случват, до колкото е възможно, само хубави неща в живота!
Вчера й пратих ето тази картичка, а днес тя ми каза че вече е при нея:
I want to again congratulate the Birthday of Veronica!
I want to wish her only good things happen in her life, as much as possible!
Yesterday I sent her this card here and today Veronica told me that the card is already in her.
I apologize if there are mistakes but I use Google translator.
This is so sweet. I am sure she loves it. :)
ОтговорИзтриванеThis is gorgeous! So light and flower - very sweet! I hope she has a great birthday!
ОтговорИзтриванеThis is gorgeous Irena! You did a fabulous job, I know she loves it!
ОтговорИзтриванеJust lovely colors!!
ОтговорИзтриванеРени, чудесна е! Много ми харесва!
ОтговорИзтриванеThis is so sweet, the DP is wonderful, I am sure your friend would love it!
ОтговорИзтриванеСемпло,хубаво,в твоя стил!
ОтговорИзтриванеVery pretty Irena. Love the DP.
ОтговорИзтриванеLynne xxx
these colours together are fabulous Irena...I love this clean and simple card its stunning
ОтговорИзтриванеMina xxx
страхотна е
ОтговорИзтриванеIt's beeauuuutiful! Fantastic colors!!!